Keeping it Short

Hi again

I am typing from my laptop for this blog, because…well… I dropped my cellphone in a bucket of mop water yesterday. Like a genius! Guuuuh! Anyways, its sitting in a bowl of rice, and will be there all weekend. So yeah, going the whole weekend without the cellphone, with the hopes that it will be fine after a weekend in dry rice.

Luckily this happened on a weekend, and not during the week when I gotta do remote learning with my daughter. The cellphone helps when it comes to taking photos and uploading images. I can still use my laptop, I’m just not sure how it works with taking photos. But yeah, I’m sure my cellphone will be fine by the end of the weekend. I swiped it out of the mop water and got it into the rice pretty quick.

However, I do feel a little bit out of the loop when it comes to Twitter. I cant log into my @Pooks82Official account without an authentication code that gets texted to…you guessed it! My cellphone. Thankfully, I do have my writing account @Pooks82Writer , that I can access from my laptop.

I wont be able to order groceries, or from uber until I know for sure that my cellphone is okay. I may have to take it to the Cellular Magician again. But whatever, I’ll worry about that later. I’m sure it will be fine. This phone is a bit different than my other ones I’ve had. Fingers crossed!

Anyways, my younger children are with thier father this weekend. Thankfully communication has become short, brief, and to the point, and strictly about the kids. The way it should be.

However ,earlier this week he said he would replace the toys that I bought the kids (not last week, but the week before). They just got those toys that Friday, and they took it with them for the visit. Apparently their father lost the toys in the woods. Anyways, I couldn’t help but notice that he could buy the kids thier own wardrobe for his visits, but he didn’t even bother to replace the toys he lost. An LOL Doll, and a mermaid doll. My daughter picked the LOL Doll herself, and my son picked the mermaid. Maybe a mermaid isnt manly enough for his standards. I don’t know, and it doesn’t matter. Those toys were meant to come back to MY HOME. Same with my son’s pride shirt. Haven’t gotten that back yet either.

Normally I have to pack the kids clothes for the weekend visits. But not this weekend. It would have been nice to know in advance, because then I wouldnt have spent the day doing laundry and searching for specific clothing my daughter wants to bring. Not that he could have communicated with me anyways, my cellphone took a dive into some mop water just before pick up. But if he went shopping the day before, then yeah, he could have told me then.

But whatever, whatever, whatever. Let it go. He still owes the kids the toys and our daughter the $10 that I gave her for treats that he is keeping for himself,…that he says is not, but has.

I even sent photos of the toys, the prices, and where to get them earlier this week. He should have had them at pick up. But no, lets spend the money on clothes instead of paying back the ex for something he lost.

So yeah, still waiting to be paid back for those new toys, and to have the kids clothes that I bought them returned. Since now he has his own wardrobe for the kids. Then the ones I bought the kids aren’t needed, so please return them.

The week is usually pretty busy. With remote learning, and trying to keep up with the house chores (which has been more difficult since school is at home). The house never reaches perfection. I might get one area cleaned, then another area gets trashed.

My daughter struggles with remote learning, she gets bored sitting there by a screen for hours. So if I can, I usually encourage her to get one of the activities done off the choice board, and that counts as participation. I like the asynchronous activities because its less screen time, and more like play. I gotta give the teachers credit on how creative they can be by turning math into fun activities that a child will enjoy. Thats awesome!

Every other day, after school, we go to the park. My little ones and I. They like going to different parks around the city and splashpads. Which has been fun.

Oh, last week I was building a loft bed and 2 metal single bed frames with the help of my transgender teen. So that was some good quality time together, and we did it without any assistance from a man! [insert flexing arm here]. Anyways, the kids switched rooms around. So now that my transgender child has thier own room, and my two youngest children share a room. The kids seem to be much happier with that arrangement.

Today I am to go visit a family friend, thier teen and my teen are friends. So it gives the kids some time to socialize in person. Kind of like a play date for teens. Lol. My transgender child doesnt get as much social time as my younger kids do. Ya know, with my younger kids, they meet and play with kids they meet at the park. Such social butterflies. And my transgender child mostly socializes online through Discord. So in-person meetings, when they do happen, especially lately, mean alot.

What else? I’ve been gardening. I got celery to regrow, so that’s cool. Also my this is the farthest along that I’ve grown an avocado tree, its doing really well, and the leaves are getting big. No animal is gonna swipe it on me this year. Ha! I’m gonna keep it indoors.

Anyways, I got to get ready to go. I need to shower. I also might need to go to the Dollar store to pick up a new art book with blank pages. Something to keep me busy since my cellphone is indisposed. It will be less awkward if I bring something to do. Last time, all adults were on thier devices. So since I cannot bring mine, I can at least bring something that will keep my hands busy. We might be there for 5 hours. We leave at 10pm. I’m talking about visiting the family friend. So to make it less awkward for myself, since I am not much of a talker, so I feel like I need to bring something to keep me preoccupied while our kids chill together.

I’m sure there’s more that I have done within the last couple of weeks, but the clock is ticking, and I gotta get out the door. I might write again later, maybe. Maybe not. I don’t know. If not, I’ll see you again within a week or two. Its off into the big wide world for me….and by the looks of it….possibly in the rain. Lol

No art has been done lately. I feel like theres no time these days. I just take orders from the kids. Do what they want to do for the day. And when its not one, its another. So yeah, there hasnt really been any time for creating new art pieces lately. I may have to adjust my schedule again and make time for it in the weeks ahead.

Which reminds me, July is quickly approaching, which means the Twitter Art Exhibit kicks off on July 3ird in Cheltenham, U.K. After the in-person sales are completed, the online sales will then open. So yes, Keep an eye out for that. And if you are in the U.K and you can, go check out the exhibit. All the art donations come from artists all over the world. It’s an awesome fundraising event. This year proceeds go to The Leaukaemia and Intensive Chemotherapy Fund.

Anyways, I really need to get ready to go, so as always, thank you for reading! Peace and love! – Pooks

More than they See

So the ex, the father of my youngest children just picked the kids up and gave me shit for the 2 days he harassed me on the phone. He’s giving ME shit yet he’s the one that texted and accused me of neglect. Like, fuck. Nothing like trying to reverse shit! Take some accountability.

He’s saying him and his girlfriend might be over because of me. Umm… no. You only got yourself to blame for that one. Maybe if he were honest from the start, his relationships would last longer. Of course they all crumble because we all end up seeing the bullshit.

It’s just annoying that he can’t even take any accountability for his shit. It’s all me. I’m all crazy and malicious. Fuck him!

And he’s trying to say that I’m crazy because I call myself an Alien Goddess, and have a book called Random Thoughts of an Alien Goddess. If he knew anything about writing and literature, it’s a metaphor dumbass! Alien, as in alienated from society. Goddess represents my self worth despite what society labels my native ass.

Fuck he’s retarded.

As for his girlfriend, umm… I seem to recall his girlfriend messaging me saying that HE was saying that I want him back. I set it straight with the truth. So yeah, caught in some bullshit lies right there.

So yeah, if his relationship is going to shit, that’s all on him. And I just shone the light on the truth. He calls that being vindictive and malicious. But, if he’s gonna bullshit, especially about me, then I am going to speak up and share my side. Truth has a way of blowing lies out to sea. Not my problem if his relationship is facing some turbulence. Maybe he shouldn’t have texted me for 2 days straight. I kept telling him to leave me alone and to fuck off. Did he? No. Not until I mentioned the breaking of Covid restrictions on thier part, and the child endangerment. That’s a hell of alot worse than waiting for restrictions to lift to take my kids to a dentist during a pandemic.

Not to mention, I’m not the one creating a scene in front of the kids during pick up. He did so deliberately. He looked at the kids, and then said Mommy said this and that about his girlfriend. What an inconsiderate peice of shit. That was deliberate and obviously a conscious decision. It’s abuse and manipulation. As he usually does to children. Psychological abuse. Like he has done to my 13 year old on numerous occasions. Talk trash about his parents in front of him.

So immature, he can’t even keep the kids out of it.

And he says I got a big mouth? What? For sharing my truth. They say that the only people that don’t like the truth are those living a lie. Maybe if he really wants to move on, he can try starting a relationship with less bullshitting and more truth. Then maybe someone can can actually like him for who he is, not who he pretends be. Such as a supposed ex-military soldier. Fuck off.

So many men in this city pull that shit. They say they are ex-military, MMA, or back in the day to an ex long ago that claimed to be “H.A” (which turned out to be a pile of bullshit). It’s usually the same crowd too. And I’m done with men like that.

And if by saying “everyone is god” supposedly makes me sound crazy. Then so be it. I am learning some ancient shit by being Hyperian. This isn’t new. The Hyperian Movement is new, but it incorporates ancient knowledge. And yeah, to old world thinkers that are patriarchal, sexist, homophobic, and racist, yeah, this new way of thinking is going to sound crazy and blasphemous to thier narrow minds. It sounds threatening to thier way of living. Get used to it. Hyperianism is growing at a rapid speed and will transform the system, and the world.

And the fact that him and his girlfriend both rub it in my face that “they have jobs”. Wow. I mean they both claim to support the Indigenous people, yet condesend a native single mother. Bravo on the hypocrisy!! Meanwhile, I am a published author, and an international artist. But they just see me as a welfare mom. They don’t count my achievements, or consider being an artist or a writer as legit forms of accomplishments or professionalism. Meanwhile my art has been to the U.K, Australia, U.S, Norway, Scotland, and numerous events in Canada. So they can stick their pompous noses up your own asses. What have they done? Any charity work like I do? Many times, my art pieces are donated to non-profit organizations to raise money for a cause. What have they done that’s charitable? Probably nothing, because they are so self absorbed and stuck in thier avatar perspective, they can’t grasp the concept of The Absolute perspective which means thinking for, and as the collective. Thinking what’s best for the collective.

But yeah, 2 days of the youngest father harassing me through text messages is all on me. It’s all my fault. Yep. Can you be anymore narcissistic??

And if they didn’t like my response to him calling me lazy, as in when I said, just take a good look at his obese girlfriend. Then maybe he should keep his mouth shut if they don’t want to hear the comeback.

Like, nothing like starting something, and then whining and bitching that he started something.

The whole thing could have been avoided had he messaged me without adding the accusations of neglect, laziness, and jealousy. Adding those in are on him. His own actions. What the hell did he expect as a response? Like anyone would take that lightly! Especially from a dead beat dad you can’t ask for shit from. Not to mention, when I do, he just turns around and says “It’s not my fault that you can’t handle your child”. Yep. Thanks alot. Sorry for ever trying to ask for your help regarding the kids. He’s useless. Me asking for help is too much of a burden on his selfish ass. All he thinks about is himself. His own personal gains. So yeah, good luck finding love being that big of a douche.

Alot of women, not just myself, are seeking a sense of equality, and support from a life partner. Trust me, you won’t find it in him. Not to mention, someone they can trust. And you cannot trust someone that constantly lies.

Do I feel sorry for him? No. I don’t. Of course I went all mama bear on thier asses. I’m a single mom that busts my ass, and the neglect accusation was taken as a threat to my family. I will defend it against 2 drunks trying to tamper and fracture what I have not only been blessed with, but have fought one hell of a fight for years in court for.

I have proven to be responsible. I’ve jumped the systems freakin circus hoops more than they can possibly imagine.

I’m the one that dealt with CAS. I’m the one doing the work.

I am a responsible parent. Not to mention that I can at least follow Covid Restriction Orders despite whatever I believe about covid. You don’t see me picking up new relationships off Facebook and breaking the Stay at Home orders for a piece of ass. That right there is irresponsible, selfish, and reckless. Especially dragging kids along into that recklessness. Meeting up with a stranger, whom invites their daughter and grandchildren over at the same time. Yep. Child Endangerment during a pandemic. But whatever. I’m “crazy”.

They’re so much better then me with thier superiority complex. Thier privledges.

Whatever, people try to shoot you down when you’re above them, right? They can choke on the dust when I succeed. I will skyrocket. It may be taking some time and effort, but yeah, just wait. I will create something that will be my families financial freedom. And I will make my children’s dream home a reality. My daughter imagines our home with a pool. My transgender child imagines his own digital office space/ studio and our home on farm land so that I can get carried away with the garden if I want. Such a sweet vision he has for his mom. ❤ And I will have space for my art and writing. It will happen. We have the vision. I will make it so.

Fuck the father of my younger children, and his girlfriend, if they don’t believe in my dreams. I don’t need thier beliefs or approval. I only need my own. And my children believe in me as well. That is all I need. My world is full of endless possibilities. I am capable of many things. I am the artist of my reality. Everything that I want and desire come to me both easily and effortlessly. I am abundant and I am worthy. My success is my birthright. And if I think I can change the world, then hell yes, I can help change the world for the better. Ad Astra! ✨

Thanks for reading! Peace and love – Pooks

2 Fifteen

Hold the entire system accountable. 
The people that worked in residential  schools, the churches and all the separatist damage they cause. Hold them accountable. 

Nurses and doctors that refuse to treat patients of colour.  Hold them accountable. 

Teachers that discriminate against the students based on colour or any other form of difference. Hold them accountable.

Police officers and military soldiers that say they are “just following ordering.” Wiping out a race. Hold them accountable. Or beating and killing civilians based on race. Hold them accountable.

Social service workers that discriminate and belittle those of colour. Hold them accountable.

Child care services that continue to steal the children of colour from thier families. Hold them accountable.

As for jobs, employers should really try hiring more diversity. Hold businesses accountable.

Politicians, hold them accountable. Enough excuses.

The 1% racist fucks, hold them accountable. Time for change.

The Indigenous are human too. We shouldn’t be treated like we are less than human. I’m sick of it.

We are all monads. Nodes that which are combined as a collective, are The Absolute. Colour is just a reflection of light. We are the creator’s of reality. We are the gods on earth. Everyone, no matter which colour, sex, gender, or class.

The more that realize this, the less things like race matters. And the more we see eachother as equals, and realize how much we need eachother to achieve what we can as a collective.

Get your heads out of the linear way of thinking, and catch the fuck up! We are not our avatars. Our bodies. We are a part of something much greater and mathematically advanced.

All is Mind. Let that marinate in your minds for awhile. Truly think about what that means.

In the meantime, stop tolerating what’s intolerant. You know it’s unjust. Speak the fuck up for eachother. Act as a collective. It’s not me, myself, and I anymore. When we operate as a collective mind together in harmony, in synchronization. We will be able to accomplish the unimaginable.

I am you. You are me. We are the broken shards of The Absolute coming back together.

Genocide of a race is like The Absolute trying to saw off a limb with this self hate. Stop it. All are needed to become whole.

That includes those in Palentine and what’s happening over there. Stop it. We need them too. No life is less significant than another.

You are the universal source experiencing itself as you for awhile. You are here to evolve. History shouldn’t be on repeat.

Just some thoughts that came about thinking about the 215 bodies of children buried and recently discovered on residential school grounds

My generation was different I guess. Instead of being placed in residential schools to be assimilated, we were placed in culturally different homes.

A biological family member did tell me what happened to them in the residential school, and it is truly heartbreaking. However, I admire and respect thier strength to carry on. Even after experiencing such trauma. So I hope that the rest of thier lives will be filled all that is beautiful, healing, and love. They may not remember opening up to me because they were intoxicated at the time, and they cried on my shoulder. But I am thankful for being entrusted to assist in the release of some pain and tears. They didn’t pass thier pain down, they passed on the knowledge and the Truth. And I am grateful.

I know some elders feel like sharing will only be a burden to thier children or grandchildren. But the truth is not a burden. The truth is gift. It is inciteful and helps future generations plan how they want to see the future.

We are here to evolve. So evolve.

Thanks for reading – Pooks