Resilient London: Meet Your Neighbors

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m in an exhibition at Museum London!  “Resilient London: Meet Your Neighbours” is a community project that highlights local stories of resilience. Please join me at the grand launch party on Thursday, October 26 from 7-10pm. Everyone’s welcome and the admission is give what you can. There will be refreshments, music, and so many great community members to meet!

Facebook event (invite your friends and family):

Hope to see you there!

Peace and love! – Pooks

The Infinity

The Infinity- Poetry by Pooks

Can you tell the difference
From when the writing is her voice
To when the voice in the writing is mine?
You think she’s the one you hate
But I am the one you’re after
I am not physical
She is my puppet
The receiver
The translator
The tool that I use
She is one
But I’m within many
Within him
Within her
Within all
She can hear me though
When her mind is silent
When she is still
I give her strength
I give her power
You can destroy the shell
But I will always be
For an eternity
I am the indestructible
The Infinity


Thank you for reading. If you enjoy and support my work, leave a tip at the PayPal link below.

Peace and love – Pooks

Ugly Truth

Ugly Truth – by Pooks

I try to tell myself
I’m coming to terms with it
When it really feels like I’ve been blasted by a shockwave
That shattered the illusions
And I see the ugly truth
I’m crying more often
Whenever I get a moment to myself
Or I’m so fucking angry
I’m to blame
I did this to myself
I believed the lies
I forgave and gave my trust again and again
Only to be stabbed repeatedly by betrayal
How did I not see
The many similarities?
Go ahead
Put me down
Call me stupid
Say I deserve it
Because only an idiot let’s this go on for years
And keeps making the same stupid choices
Getting the same stupid results
Because kindness, generosity,  and empathy and forgiveness is a weakness
In return
It’s just pain
Again and again and again!
You are alone
And they were never your friend
Not even mature enough to coparent
Do what’s best for the kids
Selfish fucks just want it all or nothing
A shared deal isn’t good enough
Both call CAS on you the most
And behind your back
Your name, they roast
Had your head stuck in an idealist fantasy
As if we could all be a team
Turns out
That was a stupid dream
Not even possible
Not with either one
And now
If the past comes knocking
Just run


Thank you for reading. If you support my work leave a tip at the PayPal link below.

Peace and love! – Pooks

Throw Away the Key

Throw Away the Key – Poetry by Pooks

I am tired of trying to make coparenting work with narcissistic,  abusive, meth addicted psychos. 
That describes both fathers
Both have spoken behind my back
Both say I’m on meth
Projecting the shit they’re guilty of onto me
A mother that doesn’t drink
Doesn’t do drugs
Just drinks coffee and smokes cigarettes
I am sick of two-faced bullshit
Sweet in front of my face
Slandering and plotting against me behind my back
Both fathers do this
And they’ll deny that they’re the same
But it’s the same stupid game
Over and over
They never think they’re the problem
So they don’t change
Just repeat the same mistakes
And don’t clue in
Stupid mother fucker
They both killed a pet
They both beat a woman
They both beat their sons
Stupid mother fucker
I’m supposed to coparent with this?
Constantly stabbed in back on repeat
Like a life long sentence
When are we allowed to retreat?
Leave them behind
But I’m expected to be fair and kind
When I would much rather move on
Our lives would be better without them
They don’t help
They just cause more suffering
And the abuse continues
Don’t the kids and I deserve better than this shit?
I can’t count on either one
Both are unreliable
Or they would rather watch me struggle
Neither can take care of themselves
Yet they both try to take the kids from me
Someday, it’ll end
Someday, we’ll be set free
And they will no longer have to pretend
To be my friend
Because we can close the door to that never-ending chapter
And throw away the key


Thank you for reading. If you support my work, leave a tip at the PayPal link below, it helps more than you know.

Peace and love! – Pooks

Red Flags and a Letter

Red Flags and a Letter – Poetry by Pooks

My hands are shaking
My nerves are shot
As I was just given loads of information
Of what you did to a dog
You told me she ate rat poison
By eating a rat in a field
But now I’m told that it was you that killed her
You kicked her
Broke her spine
And her hind legs
What kind of person does this to a little shiatsu?
And I received the letters
Kissing my ass with supposed sorries
Saying that you love me now
You’ve changed and learned your lesson
But you point the blame on the victim
Saying she was the influence
Red flags
Red flags
You’re just trying to get out of taking any accountability
Begging me to be a surety
The same day I get a call from your extended family
You’re asking them to contact me
To hold onto your things
The stress this brings
As I try to focus in class
But my mind is bombarded with all this mass
To top it off
Children’s Aid Society called and left a message
Following up on a report that was made
Just before you went to jail
My mind screams
Fuck you! fuck off! Go to hell
I don’t need this 2-faced bullshit
You wouldn’t know what love is if it ball sacked you in the face
I am so disgusted with you
Such a disgrace
Don’t come running to me
Acting like you suddenly care after inflicting harassment and verbal abuse
You do not deserve to be on the loose
I will not help you
So stop asking
You’ve proven to be not even a friend
Not even a co-parent that can work with me
More barriers will be set in place
Because honestly
I don’t even want to see your face


Thank you for reading. If you support my work, leave a tip at the PayPal link below!

Peace and love – Pooks

Thank you

Hello again,

I just wanted to write a thank you to all the people that came together to support my family yesterday.

After school, my younger children like to stay after hours to play with their friends on the school playground like they usually do.

All was going well. They even got free freezies!

But after awhile of playing around, my daughter was running down the hill and she got stung by a bee. And while I was checking to see if the stinger was still in her arm, her brother goes flying off the monkey bars like a little Tarzan and face plants onto the ground. His poor little button nose got one hell of a nosebleed.

Thank you to their friends father for picking up my son and rushing him inside the school. And thank you to the school staff that was there that tended to my children’s needs with ice, kleenex, a new shirt, etc.

Even on our way home, their friends father offered to walk us home, just in case. But I declined, and we made it back okay. And to our neighbors that offered support. Medication to take down the swelling of the bee sting. Thank you.

I am very grateful to see that my children have all this support within the community. To see the community, school staff, and friends all come together to make sure they’re okay. I couldn’t be anymore grateful.

And just to report an update, my sons nose is fine. Thank goodness its not broken, and it was just a nosebleed. And my daughters arm from the bee sting is okay. the swelling has gone down.

As a single mother, I can not thank you all enough for the support. Its reassuring that I am not alone. My children got support within the community. Thank you. You are all amazing.

Anyways, I just wanted to express and share my sincere gratitude. I honestly didn’t expect the response and action from so many people. So it came as a surprise. A positive surprise. Thank you for being there for my children.

Peace and love! – Pooks


Could – Poetry by Pooks

I know what the charges are now
And because I know
It’s my turn to make a move
It pains me when I have no choice but to be unfair
But the most reasonable action to take
Is something that ensures the safety of this family
Including my own
I have to
That is my responsibility as a mother
I can’t even give you the benefit of doubt
Because I know from experience what it was like living with you
And I seen the images
You could be facing 10 years or more
Anything less than that is luck
I have no idea when the trial is
And honestly,  I hope you don’t get bail
Because of the possibility
That your release of anger was meant for me
And you took it out on someone else
Because of this grudge that you have
That things didn’t go your way back in the day
Where you get full custody
My child, that isn’t yours, gets thrown in foster care
And I behind bars
The past cannot be re-written
No matter how much you try
And now, you could be gone for a long time
And this could be goodbye
I’m sure that will make the victim happy
I hear that she wants you back
Even after you beat and cut her up
That’s a serious case of stockholme syndrome
That’s not love
Sorry dear
I know she’s reading this
Trolling this
As his exes obsessively do
Yes, I’ll be out of the way
But let him go
Do his time
For crying out loud
He could have killed you


Thank you for reading. If you enjoy and support my work. Leave a tip at the PayPal link below.

Peace and love! – Pooks

1 Million times Three

1 Million Times Three – Poetry by Pooks

Just wow
After I say don’t come running to me
I’m asked to be a surety
Must be getting desperate after burning all those bridges
To ask the very person you tried to screw over for assistance
Why would I do that?
You must think I’m stupid
You made it clear that you aren’t working with me, but against me
Patterns don’t lie
If we analyze your behavior from your last 2 recent relationships
Both times, you made me out to be the enemy
This conspired plot to take what I have
Because you’re ungrateful for what you’ve been given
But like I said before, many would’ve loved what you had
It wasn’t enough, I guess
Not enough as revenge
For the fabricated version of the past in your head
But you were never the victim as you’ve claimed to be
And the truth reveals itself
1 million times three


Thank you for reading. If you enjoy and support my work, leave a tip at the PayPal link below.

Peace and love – Pooks