What Can I Say?

Hello again,

I know I haven’t been writing for a while. Nor have I broken my vow to not paint until Palestine is free. Even though there have been outside efforts trying to deter me from that vow. Perhaps they worry about suppressed energy and cutting off that flow of transference. I understand,  and I appreciate the concern. However, if what I do or create is of some value to you, then my vow should be motivation to Free Palestine and liberate the collective. 

It’s not only that though. I came to a realization,  or an epiphany,  that in the current state of the world, people of my generation and next will not be able to live out their dreams. Heck, they are not likely to ever own a house at this rate either. Trying to become a professional artist in an age of inflation, where basic needs become unaffordable,  professions like art become unrealistic.  People only seek what they need to survive, and art is just one of those little extra things that get pushed back into a category of nonimportance. People want food, and shelter,  not decor. It’s not, what’s the word I’m seeking for? Practical.

Maybe someday art will become valuable again. But during these post-pandemic days of inflation, it’s not any time soon unless the system is changed or replaced. That means the empire (that is US and Israel) must be taken down. Nobody can thrive in this system the way it is. However, if we just continue to keep things as is, the more people that will suffer for the sake of the wealthy.  Just look at the rising number of homeless people in the US and Canada.

Anyway, when it comes to Palestine,  I feel like something must be said. But what can I say that hasn’t already been said, and that isn’t already being ignored and disregarded by politicians?

The following eats away at me, and yes, many times I’ve thought of blogging and get stuck on what to say.

For months I have been watching things unfold between Israel and Palestine. For months I’ve been traumatized by the images and videos coming out of Palestine that has been all over social media. I’ve seen horrific things. Inhumane acts inflicted upon the Palestinian people by the IDF, the supposed most “moral army” that has only proven to be the most barbaric and uncivilized.  I’ve seen beheaded children, and children burnt alive. Actual children, not the 40 imaginary israeli children that Israel claim Hamas beheaded on October 7th. Which is likely a lie, amongst the many other lies they’ve told. The ICC already released a statement stating that the rape allegations are likely false because there is no evidence to prove otherwise.  The UN stated that Israel is committing a genocide,  and is committing crimes against humanity.  The ICC was going to issue arrest warrants on Benjamin Netanyahu,  and other Israeli officials.  However, there’s been no follow-up on that since.

It has been very frustrating witnessing the Canadian Government be complicit in war crimes and genocide.  They do nothing but say that they give unwavering solidarity and support to Israel. Can shit be anymore fucked up?! Not to mention that there has been talk about traitors within our government with foreign interests.  Could it be the person creating more laws so that he cannot be accused?? Hmm? JUSTIN TRUDEAU!!

Majority of the world hates Israel at this point. Israel is a Pariah State. At least that’s what I tweet everyday. Israel is Pariah State. If it isn’t already, then it is becoming one.

I find it comical that Netanyahu calls the US Israel’s closest ally,  especially since Israel is responsible for the assassination of JFK, the coup of the US Government,  9/11, and black mailing political leaders and celebrities through Epstein.  Biggest ally? Or biggest enemy of the US? Lol, don’t confuse the two.

Anyways, if you’ve been watching Palestine as I have, then you know it’s been like a wild roller-coaster that does not stop. It’s out of control. And that’s what it seems like when it comes to these political leaders and justice system. If anything,  this whole dilemma has shown just how much of an illusion their positions of power really are, and they are all powerless and can do jack shit.

The only leaders I do see making an effort to create positive change are Russia,  Iran, and China through their work with Brics and the replacement of the whole system of currency.  By doing so, the wealthy Elites wealth will be worthless.  It’s just a matter of time. More countries are getting on board with Brics, so that’s a positive.  It gives me hope. A whole different type of reset than what WEF had intended in regards to the NWO. Screw their One Government,  One Bank plan. The demolishing of the family unit, and so on and so forth. Flush their greedy self-absorbed plans that only benefit them down the damn toilet. The collective is better off without them anyways, and their stupid ideas for depopulation. Bunch of psychotic freakin Extinctionists.  😒

Anyway,  Palestine.  I’ve been watching many people from Palestine through Instagram.  Bisan, Motaz, Aboud, Mais, Ramdan,  etc. All are beautiful people. Not “animals” as Israel likes to refer to Palestinians as. They are people like you and I.

The fact that the people of Israel have brainwashed themselves to believe otherwise is completely irrational.  But then again, if you’ve read some of the Talmud and what they brainwash themselves with, its racist and disturbing.  They also see nothing wrong with pedophilia.  In fact, it’s encouraged.  How sickening is that? But then again, when you think of Epstein Island and the child trafficking.  It should come as no surprise.  These people are fucked in the head. The ideology of zionism needs to be banned. Especially if we value the safety and well-being of our children.  Zionists are the current people in charge of the world right now, and make no mistake, they will be brought down. In fact, their reign of power is crumbling. But not quick enough.

I say not quick enough because now Israel is dragging the US into war with Lebanon and Iran.

For so many years, westerners were brought up to believe that the Arabs were terrorists.  But that couldn’t be any further from the truth. The terrorists are in suits, within our governments.  And if anything,  westerners owe the Arabs an apology for believing such a false narrative.  That narrative can not hold up these days, not with the technology that we have now. Not with social media. We get news the instant it happens now. And not from just reporters, but from every day people like you and I. The world is changing. We are more connected and intuned than we ever have been before. Even when the powers that be try to censor people on social media, or other platforms, people can see with their own eyes, in live time exactly what they are doing.

Anyways, after the picture of the IDF patch on their uniform made its rounds, it looks like Saudi Arabia is finally getting its act into gear instead of siding with the US and Israel. Perhaps they realize that Israel’s colonizational land grabs doesn’t end at Palestine,  but it also includes Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon.  The prince of Saudi Arabia recently stated that Netanyahu needs to be held criminally responsible for the crimes against Palestinians. He calls for the end of the occupation,  and calls for the recognition of Palestine with the 1967 border with Jerusalem as its capital.  Quite a significant change in actions after the plans for Greater Israel were exposed.

Still, Palestine isn’t free yet. Even though many countries around the world recognize Palestine as a state. Even though there’s been countless protests worldwide,  including student protests involving University Students and Highschool students. There’s been world wide strikes, and boycotts. Yet it doesn’t feel like it’s enough. Political leaders choose to turn a blind eye. To remain idle and complicit. The collective need to organize.  Plan something massive that cannot go on ignored. Perhaps we need to prepare for when the currency does change, and how we will support eachother. The old world is crashing,  and we must prepare and be ready for the new. It’s coming.

Peace and love! – Pooks

Your Revolution

I keep seeing this narrative going around in Canada that Pierre Poilievre would be better than Justin Trudeau. 

Umm… no. Not to mention that Pierre was was publicly seem participating in a pro- Israel (Pro-Zionist) rally.

The same can be said about what people saying lately about Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

Anyways, it just seems like people are missing the point. It doesn’t matter who you vote for, they are all puppets of the filthy rich above them. Vanguard, Blackrock,  Rothschild,  Rockefeller,  just to name a few. Voting for a different person just keeps this system in its place.

I mean, in the U.S, it’s already been exposed just how many members of parliament and the media have been taken over by the Zionists. And that fact that no country, except Yemen, will intervene on the current genocide of the people of Palestine should raise an alarm to how much they have control on a global scale.

Many Actors and Actresses fear to speak up about it because their managers are Zionists or have some kind of connection as well. Kudos to the ones that do. Angelina Jolie, even though her father is saying the opposite.  Kudos to Melissa Barrera,  and Jenna Ortega. Melissa lost a role due to speaking up, and Jenna won’t be returning to her Scream role either after the firing of Melissa.

Anyways, real change isn’t voting for another person. All get controlled by the same Elites, so nothing will change. In fact, that just seems like the lazy, cop out solution  for a matter that needs to be changed and dug up from its roots.

The entire system needs to go. And as scary as that is, the people have to work together to not only survive this transition,  but to thrive onwards. This is a collective effort.

If the genocides of Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Tigray and Armenia have shown us anything, is that the Elites do not value anyone else’s lives. They see us as disposable.  Like toilet paper.  Material things, resources that bring in more income are more valuable to them than the lives of the people. Cobalt and Coltan is more valuable than the lives of people for example. Congolese people and children are being enslaved to mine those minerals for the wealth of the rich. Women are being raped. People are being killed. And the same is happening in other countries for other resources.  In Palestine,  Zionists want the natural gas and to build over the land as their own. “The Holy Land”.

All land is “Holy Land” when you look at perspectives outside of religion and the Bible. Quantum Mechanics shows us that everything is inconnected energy. So as the First Nations say, We are one with the land. That is true. In fact, we are one with everything. And when people say that we are the Universe experiencing itself. That too is true.

Anyways, before I get off topic, When people say that Palestines liberation is our liberation, I feel like some don’t quite grasp the concept fully. You’ll see them rant about taking care of their own first,  kinda stuff. And even that is thinking too narrow. The big picture requires you to see the whole issue. Not just your own. Not just what’s going on in your country. But to see the whole picture and connect the dots. Maybe you’ll see that it roots back to the richest people of the world. And yes, they’re an issue. Their greed causes global suffering. Unnecessary suffering.  We can either sit back and tolerate our suffering some more, or we can get up and be the change we need. They don’t know or understand our needs. Nor do their pampered political puppets. If anyone knows what the people need, it’s the people.

This system isn’t working for the people as they claim to be. It hasn’t for a long time. In fact, it probably never did. But it’s been this way for so long, this is what people consider normal, and no. No, you cannot accept this as normal.

I mean the number of homeless people is on the rise. The working class are walking a thin line to becoming homeless. In fact, those that think they’re better, or have this attitude that they are more privileged and entitled compared to the homeless need a change of attitude.  That illusion of division needs to be abolished. You are no better than a homeless person. At this rate, that could be you tomorrow. Some of the most brilliant minds could be homeless right now, but you wouldn’t know it because you’re too busy looking down on them. Get your head out of your asses because you are just disposable toilet paper to the Elites, just like everyone else. In fact, the only division you should see isn’t based on class, or race, or religion, or gender, or education, etc. The only division you should see is between the Collective ( all the people) and the greedy elites. Start uniting because the people are ALL suffering in one form or another. Whether it be starving due to inflation or your home is getting bombed.

It doesn’t matter who we vote for, in whatever country. The elite parasites will always be on top.

The system needs to be replaced. And as I’ve mentioned before, the Neogenians have been working on that for years behind the scenes. It can happen. It will happen. We will bring in a new world that benefits all of humanity. The only thing based on hierarchy will be by merit. Those with the wisdom and compassion in their field. A Neogenian system evolves as we evolve. But it’s main focus is on the quality and betterment of everyone being able to self-actualize. To become their best selves. We envision a world where basic needs, health care, education is all universal. Everyone gets the opportunity to advance.

Eventually, we will need to think of changes made to the currency system. That would really mess up the Elites if their wealth became no longer valuable. They would be forced to start over along with everyone else.

They, too, need to wipe their minds of this illusion that they are separate from us. But if they really want to be separated from the collective, let’s ship them off to Epsteins Island where they can go survive on their own. No violence is needed. Just banned from the New World that we create. But that’s just hypothetical. The thing is, we all know they won’t stand down from their reign of power without a fight. So we need to wipe the illusion that they even have any power over us away. Enough is enough.

We know the “American Dream” is bullshit. Heck, it is becoming less possible for young adults to buy a house. And it is becoming more common that college and University students live at home instead of moving out at 18 years of age. The price of rent is making it more difficult for students to move out on their own. Even if they do split rent with other students, they are still bound to struggle to survive.

And even though rental prices have gone up, those on financial assistance or disability have to give up money for food or transportation just to make it by. This makes the transition for the homeless even that much more difficult because the amount of income given for rent isn’t equal to what rent currently is. You’d think if rent prices go up, then so does financial assistance. But not in this world. More reasons why this system isn’t working and why it needs a complete overhaul.

And in times like these, where we are literally witnessing a genocide of a people just gives more reason to unite. We need each other to overcome those in power. This brutality and lack of empathy for life must end. This is only something that can be done together.

The Collective deserves better. We have to stop expecting others to make it better for us. If my foster mother taught me anything positive, it’s this: If you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself. It’s time for the collective to take responsibility and accountability for itself. No more of this “the Master and the slaves” bullshit. We are so much more than what we were taught to believe about ourselves. No longer will our potential be held back. Whether it be by religious organizations or any other institution trying to reinforce their power over us. Now is our time. We will rise above.

Sometimes, big change has to start small, and branch out to reach the whole of the collective. For example, there may come a time when people may have to support each other on a municipal level, within their own communities before they branch out to other communities, and so on and so forth. The key in order for it to work is unity. We need to collaborate and cooperate with each other. Support and help each other no matter the differences of our avatars or personal beliefs. It’s all of us v.s them. There is more of us, than there is of them. So already, you are on the winning side. They cannot uphold this system, or their reign of power without us. They, as in the filthy rich that don’t even need to lift a finger to make an income. In fact, they can just magically pull money out of thin air. So why can’t we? And who put them in power? Did we vote for these Elites? No. Not that voting matters anymore.

We are the ones that give them their power, and we are the ones that can take it away. Their time is up. It’s the collectives turn to shape the world. Remember, all is Mind. Time to start believing in ourselves. We don’t need them or their political puppets.

End rant.

Thank you for reading, and FREE PALESTINE!! 🇵🇸

To those getting all pissy that people in their country are standing up for people in another country, open your damn eyes. The Palestinian flag has become a symbol of the Collectives revolution. Your revolution. It’s time for change.

Peace and love! – Pooks

Homelessness Prevention, One person at a Time

Hello again!

Long time no see! I just came here to spread the word that my fellow Twitter Peep could still use some help.

Yes, we did make it to the first goal of $3000 , but may need to raise more for first and Last, plus moving expenses.  We can it!

So far we’ve reached just over $6000, with the goal of $10k . So… *grabs calculator *🧐… we just need to raise $3,760!! 😃

And as I have mentioned in my tweets when it comes to the homeless crisis, and homelessness prevention,  sometimes we need to help one person at a time.

I’ve made some small donations a couple of times. And if I can, you can too! Every little bit helps. Even if it’s below $5. You make a difference in someone’s life.

Online, you may see a lot with people trying to tear each other down. Be the good. The ones that lift each other up. We have that choice. And quite honestly,  that’s what I would rather do.

Anyways, if you would like to make a donation to help my friend, Joe Segal.  The link to the GoFundMe page is below. Plus you’ll get more of his story and what’s going on on the GoFundMe page in his own words.

Let’s raise that $3,760 and hit that goal, and help prevent homelessness!!


Thank you for reading!

Peace and love! – Pooks

“We struggle less when we help each other out.” – Pooks


MetacognitionPoetry by Pooks

Maybe you are not your thoughts
Ever think about thinking?
The observer picking the thoughts
Actualizing the next experience
Choosing what’s to come next
Owning the responsibility
Gathering the minds to collaborate
Noticing and carefully directing the focus
Interconnected like a spiderweb
The Collective creates reality
It is ours to change at our will
Only we can
Next level of our evolution


Thank you for reading! If you enjoy and want to support my work, leave me a tip at the PayPal link below!


Peace and love! – Pooks

Collab with Simon Howard (Dwarven King)

Hi again!

So remember how I said there was another person going to narrate my “On Vacation ” poem as well? Just like, J Matthew Waters, and Joe Segal!

Well, it’s been officially released today into the Twitterverse! Super exciting!! 😃

This time the poem is narrated by Simon Howard a.k.a Dwarven King (on Twitter). Which is just super awesome, because this IS what he does. He’s a narrator, and I cannot believe he hopped on board and collaborated with me. Amazing, unbelievable, and I’m ever so grateful! I love muh Twitter peeps! They’re the beez neez! 😎👍

Anyways, you can check out his narration of my poem “On Vacation ” below. The way he does it, is that he also adds some music and imagery to the poetry. So it’s pretty cool.

How’s that for a collab?! AWESOME! Just BAM, a whole lot of creativity! Lol

I’m happy to see it’s getting alot of positive feedback on Twitter. I hope you enjoy here as well.

Like I said, I did this kinda on impulse. Out of curiosity on how others would interpret and portray the poem using thier voice. It’s been an amazing experiment and experience.

And it actually got my introverted self to actually reach out and collaborate with others which is something that doesn’t happen very often. In person, I’m super shy. So I gotta give myself a pat on the back for stepping out of my comfort zone and engaging, and including others.

Anyways, on another note! I’m just gonna share a screencap of a tweet that Dwarven King posted, and I noticed. Hehe! My poem got his seal of approval! Yaaaay!! That means alot! Thank you!! 😊☀️

Anyways, enjoy! Thank you for listening, and reading, and sharing this experience with me. Peace and love! – Pooks

Oh yeah, one more thing before I forget. The tip link! Feel free to leave a tip at the link below if you can! If you enjoy the stuff I have been creating lately. Tip below! ⬇️


Get to it

Get to itPoetry by Pooks

The Collective made up its mind

And this is the reality we created

The matter we manifested

Even though we could change it in an instant if we wanted to

Too many are still asleep

So play the game

And just get vaccinated

Stick to one plan, together

The more that take it, the more effective it will be

That is the collective belief

So do it

Get to it

And finally we can reach some freedom

And some relief


Thank you for reading! Leave a tip below, it means alot!


Peace and love! – Pooks

The Collab w/ Joe Segal

How awesome is this? I got a fellow Twitter Peep to read one of my poems out loud. I actually requested a few people to read it, and another is working on it. Same poem. So we get to actually hear how it is expressed through the voice of others.

Perhaps it was curiosity that led that impulse. But to hear it in another voice that is not my own is…AMAZING!!

So I am going to share Joe Segal’s version. And I will share the other when it becomes available.

But, before doing so. I just want to thank Joe Segal for taking the time to do this collaboration. He didn’t have to, but he did. Awesome!

And thank him for his kind words, and saying the poem is creative, beautiful and powerful. So is he. ❤ Give him a follow on Twitter @ joesegal.

Anyways… the collab. Check it out at the link below!


Peace and love! – Pooks

On Vacation

On VacationPoetry by Pooks

The Collective mind has been hi-jacked

By the News out let’s, and social media

So let me lure you into mine

Where the world is perfectly fine

Breathing isn’t a crime

You aren’t scavenging every dime

A world where you don’t have to wear a mask

Or be afraid of falling ill from fear

Be calm, relax

It’s like a blank canvas my dear

Until the mind makes it so

So picture yourself on vacation

A bustling theme park

Or an enchanting island

On a cruise

Or scuba diving

Where you are free to explore

Isolation, no more

You deserve the best

So put your imagination to the test

Live concerts, and dance parties

Zip lines, and adventure

We live to create and play

On the beach sand you lay

Water slides, and go karts

Infinite possibilities

This is just how it starts

Comic Cons

And race shows

Make the world your Disneyland

Help others see, and take thier hand

This is what it could be

Free your mind

For all human kind

It’s all just sinusoidal waves

Matter becomes whatever the mind paves


Thank you for reading! Leave a tip down at the link below if you enjoy my poetry! It means alot!


Peace and love! – Pooks


EndemicPoetry by Pooks


Narrate your own reality.

Silence the noise.

Silence the outside influence.

There’s just you.

So you want to see this end?

You’ve had the answer and the power all along.

Turn off your devices

Narrate your own mind

Focus less on the fear that this pandemic creates.

Focus on what really is

Even if you have to look closer. Hear closer.

Listen to the wind blow through the trees

Birds chirping

And focus on a single snowflake as it falls from the sky.

And as it lands and joins the rest

It rests

Listen to your breathing

Notice your heartbeat

You are alive

Silence the Media. Silence the politics. Realize that it’s just that.

It’s all silence. In that moment.

You create with your mind

You control it

You decide what is universal truth

As a collective

This could be the endemic

And we could move on with our lives

Just turn it off, put down the phone

Let this collective illusion go

Take your power back, grab the reigns

You’re in charge of the show


Thank you for reading. Leave a tip at the link below.


Peace and love! – Pooks

To get Over the Tide

Hi again!!

I just have a little more to share. Since even though we are in the midst of a pandemic and lockdown, many are consciously being forced to awaken. Hence why this time period is being called The Great Awakening, if you haven’t noticed on social media.

This is not the end of humanity. To think there is an end is an old way of thinking. That is linear thinking. So no, we are not in an apocalypse, in fact, we are experiencing a new beginning.

Life moves us in a fibonacci sequence (spirals), not in a straight line. So we tend to come back to things, people, places, situations…not exactly the same the next time around, it is slightly different each time. But to evolve or repeat.

I punked the following image from Dr. Chris Mackie’s Twitter timeline. Lol . However, I am glad he shared it because it shows the point that I am trying to get across. We’ve been through this many times, and each time requires us to think of how to live differently each time.

So it’s like us humans keep coming back to this type of situation to overcome. And each time it requires us to unite as a collective. To work together. To thrive together. But it seems that we keep forgetting that, and we go back to thinking selfishly instead of continuously collective. So here we are again. Hopefully this time we can truly realize that we are all connected, and that we need eachother. Hopefully once we all realize what we truly are, we don’t forget. We are divine beings, the universal source shattered into pieces observing and experiencing what we call reality.

So with that being said, we are in a time of The Great Awakening. It can feel lonely sometimes, especially when you feel alienated by those that are still asleep. The ones that do what they are told. The ones that want to be told what to think instead of thinking for themselves. The ones that still believe that God is external and is somewhere up in the sky. It can feel lonely when many have been mentally enslaved to be obedient sheep. The ones that have been conditioned to believe in the biggest lie that has been past down for centuries. However, things are changing. Shifting. Transforming. Perhaps maybe this time, we will evolve.

I am grateful to see that there are people that are starting to think more collectively and encourage others to do the same. Right here, locally in London, Ontario. Thank you! They too see this lockdown as an opportunity for positive change. They too see it as the beginning of the new world. YES!!! That’s exactly what I want to see more of!! Think of the well-being of us all as a whole.  We need eachother more than we realize. Erase all mental barriers you’ve used to categorize and separate yourself from others. We are One.  The One.

Now is our time to DELETE THE ELITE!! ✊ We know what we are, and we will take our rightful place on this earth. We are the collective! We are the Universal Source!! And we will unite!

Anyways, I think more people need to check out the following blog post. I was extremely impressed. I was like, holy crap! It’s here. The Awakening!! It’s happening. Thank you! It’s a thrill when I see others speak of similar things. The power of our minds and whatnot… Anyways, the link….


Another blog to check out, that is pretty informative is The Twin Powers….


Honestly, I think the more we understand energy dynamics, and  electromagnetism, the more we will understand about ourselves and the collective illusion.

Everything is Mind. According to the Kybalion, and many other resources. Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics kind of lift the veil behind matter. All matter is frequency.

The movement of water is probably the closest our eyes will be able to see what’s really there.

Sunlight reflects on the sea floor. Photo credit to AllPosters.com


….anyways. Sorry about that I kind of fell asleep while writing this blog. It is now morning, so it time to publish!

Just wanted to share some stuff, and I had to stay up late in order to write and…I kind of passed out in the midst of it. Sorry about that! Anyways, thank you for reading. You’re the best!

Peace and love! – Pooks