Rest in Peace, Mordy

This morning has been rough. Our pet bunny, Mordy, passed away. However, it was like he waited for 15, his best bud. 15 picked him up and swaddled him in a blanket, and cuddled him. We knew something was wrong, and 15 had a feeling that Mordy was dying. Anyways, Mordy died in the cuddles of his best friends arms. My 15 year old. The two were like 2 peas in a pod. And Mordy has been an amazing emotional support buddy for 15 over the years. Especially during the pandemic. It’s so sad that he’s gone. I was looking up vets and animal hospitals, even ready to post a gofundme for the vet bill, but 15 knew, there’s no time. He was right. At 11:05am Mordecai, the cutest bunny in the universe, died. 💔 RIP Mordy. We love you so much!

Honestly, I don’t know what was more painful. The passing of our beloved pet bunny, or witnessing my child’s heart break as his furry best friend became lifeless in his arms. Being absolutely helpless and wishing I could revive Mordy somehow. I guess there’s some aches and pains that a parent can’t fix. And stuff like death, need to run its course.

Before 15 had picked him up to swaddle and cuddle him, I had tried to give Mordy a carrot and some celery. If I knew it was going to be his last meal, I would’ve given him his favorite, a banana.

It’s been a tough day. However, I do plan to get another bunny in the future. I know they can’t replace or compare to Mordy. Mordy will always hold the title of the Cutest Bunny in the Universe. Not to mention that other bunnies won’t have the same personality, and Mordy was the perfect fit for 15. They were similar in many ways. But it will be nice to have a bunny in the home again. Not yet, though. We need time to mourn and heal. Especially my 15 year old.

Anyways, I made a tribute video of Mordy. Mostly for 15. But perhaps he’s not ready yet. He couldn’t get through the whole video. But I made it for him, for whenever he needs to see his best bud, and to help him grieve.

Mordy will always have a special place in our hearts. We miss him a lot. ❤️

Thank you for reading.

Peace and love! – Pooks