What Can I Say?

Hello again,

I know I haven’t been writing for a while. Nor have I broken my vow to not paint until Palestine is free. Even though there have been outside efforts trying to deter me from that vow. Perhaps they worry about suppressed energy and cutting off that flow of transference. I understand,  and I appreciate the concern. However, if what I do or create is of some value to you, then my vow should be motivation to Free Palestine and liberate the collective. 

It’s not only that though. I came to a realization,  or an epiphany,  that in the current state of the world, people of my generation and next will not be able to live out their dreams. Heck, they are not likely to ever own a house at this rate either. Trying to become a professional artist in an age of inflation, where basic needs become unaffordable,  professions like art become unrealistic.  People only seek what they need to survive, and art is just one of those little extra things that get pushed back into a category of nonimportance. People want food, and shelter,  not decor. It’s not, what’s the word I’m seeking for? Practical.

Maybe someday art will become valuable again. But during these post-pandemic days of inflation, it’s not any time soon unless the system is changed or replaced. That means the empire (that is US and Israel) must be taken down. Nobody can thrive in this system the way it is. However, if we just continue to keep things as is, the more people that will suffer for the sake of the wealthy.  Just look at the rising number of homeless people in the US and Canada.

Anyway, when it comes to Palestine,  I feel like something must be said. But what can I say that hasn’t already been said, and that isn’t already being ignored and disregarded by politicians?

The following eats away at me, and yes, many times I’ve thought of blogging and get stuck on what to say.

For months I have been watching things unfold between Israel and Palestine. For months I’ve been traumatized by the images and videos coming out of Palestine that has been all over social media. I’ve seen horrific things. Inhumane acts inflicted upon the Palestinian people by the IDF, the supposed most “moral army” that has only proven to be the most barbaric and uncivilized.  I’ve seen beheaded children, and children burnt alive. Actual children, not the 40 imaginary israeli children that Israel claim Hamas beheaded on October 7th. Which is likely a lie, amongst the many other lies they’ve told. The ICC already released a statement stating that the rape allegations are likely false because there is no evidence to prove otherwise.  The UN stated that Israel is committing a genocide,  and is committing crimes against humanity.  The ICC was going to issue arrest warrants on Benjamin Netanyahu,  and other Israeli officials.  However, there’s been no follow-up on that since.

It has been very frustrating witnessing the Canadian Government be complicit in war crimes and genocide.  They do nothing but say that they give unwavering solidarity and support to Israel. Can shit be anymore fucked up?! Not to mention that there has been talk about traitors within our government with foreign interests.  Could it be the person creating more laws so that he cannot be accused?? Hmm? JUSTIN TRUDEAU!!

Majority of the world hates Israel at this point. Israel is a Pariah State. At least that’s what I tweet everyday. Israel is Pariah State. If it isn’t already, then it is becoming one.

I find it comical that Netanyahu calls the US Israel’s closest ally,  especially since Israel is responsible for the assassination of JFK, the coup of the US Government,  9/11, and black mailing political leaders and celebrities through Epstein.  Biggest ally? Or biggest enemy of the US? Lol, don’t confuse the two.

Anyways, if you’ve been watching Palestine as I have, then you know it’s been like a wild roller-coaster that does not stop. It’s out of control. And that’s what it seems like when it comes to these political leaders and justice system. If anything,  this whole dilemma has shown just how much of an illusion their positions of power really are, and they are all powerless and can do jack shit.

The only leaders I do see making an effort to create positive change are Russia,  Iran, and China through their work with Brics and the replacement of the whole system of currency.  By doing so, the wealthy Elites wealth will be worthless.  It’s just a matter of time. More countries are getting on board with Brics, so that’s a positive.  It gives me hope. A whole different type of reset than what WEF had intended in regards to the NWO. Screw their One Government,  One Bank plan. The demolishing of the family unit, and so on and so forth. Flush their greedy self-absorbed plans that only benefit them down the damn toilet. The collective is better off without them anyways, and their stupid ideas for depopulation. Bunch of psychotic freakin Extinctionists.  😒

Anyway,  Palestine.  I’ve been watching many people from Palestine through Instagram.  Bisan, Motaz, Aboud, Mais, Ramdan,  etc. All are beautiful people. Not “animals” as Israel likes to refer to Palestinians as. They are people like you and I.

The fact that the people of Israel have brainwashed themselves to believe otherwise is completely irrational.  But then again, if you’ve read some of the Talmud and what they brainwash themselves with, its racist and disturbing.  They also see nothing wrong with pedophilia.  In fact, it’s encouraged.  How sickening is that? But then again, when you think of Epstein Island and the child trafficking.  It should come as no surprise.  These people are fucked in the head. The ideology of zionism needs to be banned. Especially if we value the safety and well-being of our children.  Zionists are the current people in charge of the world right now, and make no mistake, they will be brought down. In fact, their reign of power is crumbling. But not quick enough.

I say not quick enough because now Israel is dragging the US into war with Lebanon and Iran.

For so many years, westerners were brought up to believe that the Arabs were terrorists.  But that couldn’t be any further from the truth. The terrorists are in suits, within our governments.  And if anything,  westerners owe the Arabs an apology for believing such a false narrative.  That narrative can not hold up these days, not with the technology that we have now. Not with social media. We get news the instant it happens now. And not from just reporters, but from every day people like you and I. The world is changing. We are more connected and intuned than we ever have been before. Even when the powers that be try to censor people on social media, or other platforms, people can see with their own eyes, in live time exactly what they are doing.

Anyways, after the picture of the IDF patch on their uniform made its rounds, it looks like Saudi Arabia is finally getting its act into gear instead of siding with the US and Israel. Perhaps they realize that Israel’s colonizational land grabs doesn’t end at Palestine,  but it also includes Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, and Lebanon.  The prince of Saudi Arabia recently stated that Netanyahu needs to be held criminally responsible for the crimes against Palestinians. He calls for the end of the occupation,  and calls for the recognition of Palestine with the 1967 border with Jerusalem as its capital.  Quite a significant change in actions after the plans for Greater Israel were exposed.

Still, Palestine isn’t free yet. Even though many countries around the world recognize Palestine as a state. Even though there’s been countless protests worldwide,  including student protests involving University Students and Highschool students. There’s been world wide strikes, and boycotts. Yet it doesn’t feel like it’s enough. Political leaders choose to turn a blind eye. To remain idle and complicit. The collective need to organize.  Plan something massive that cannot go on ignored. Perhaps we need to prepare for when the currency does change, and how we will support eachother. The old world is crashing,  and we must prepare and be ready for the new. It’s coming.

Peace and love! – Pooks

Reach out

I received a message on Instagram today from a Palestinian. They are trying to reach out for help.

So I hope that by sharing his message, and amplifying his voice here makes a difference. 

A permanent Ceasefire needs to take place in Palestine.  There is no arguing or denying that Israel is commiting a genocide after all the evidence shared online. And the fact that all supposed “safe zones” turn out to be violent ambushes.

Genocide has been forbidden since the 1940’s.  Why we just watch and do nothing is despicable and disgraceful. There is blood on all our hands. Even if the people stand up and protest, the people that represent us in our governments refuse to listen to our demands. Therefore, those leaders have become accomplices in war crimes and genocide. Especially if they shipped more weapons to Israel after the ICJ’s ruling, and cut funding for UNRWA to deliberately punish and starve the citizens of Palestine. 

Israel is a fake state, created by the Rothschilds.  It’s citizens come from all over the globe. When reading its history,  you realize that it isn’t even a state, it’s a colonial Project. Heck, it’s even infiltrated majority of the US government,  if not all of it.

Zionists are the modern day nazis. In fact, Zionists made a deal with the Nazis in order to save their own asses during the holocaust.  They aren’t Jews, they are corrupted political movement. And it’s no wonder no other country would take them in. It was Palestine that did, and Israel is committing the ultimate betrayal. 

Honestly,  I think Netanyahu,  the Hitler wannabe, should be handed over to the people of Yemen. And it will be up to them how they deal with that war criminal. I mean, they do do public executions for rapists and pedophiles.  And we all know that Israel is a pedo state. The safe haven for pedophiles.  Not to mention that they are behind Epstein Island.  Apparently, Epstein and Maxwell were their undercover agents to blackmail world leaders. Hence why so many world leaders bend over like little bitches for Israel.  If you haven’t noticed.

Anyways, I’m certainly not okay with Zionists running the world. And I don’t think you should be either. It’s time the collective takes responsibility into our own hands. We cannot depend on these leaders whose position in anything is already compromised.

Like seriously,  when it comes to political puppets, police officers,  and soldiers,  and their whole claims to serving the people… It’s bullshit. They only serve the wealthy globalists and their interests.  Heaven forbid anyone stand up to defend their homes, whether that be the indigenous people blocking pipelines to defend their land, or Hamas fighting for their home and fellow people, they get labeled as terrorists because they are obstacles to whatever natural resources that the globalist want to profit off of. Then, after labeling them as terrorists, ripping away their common identity as fellow human beings, they think killing them  off is justified. Pure madness.

After everything I saw online, the western world has no right to pretend they are civilized, or more civilized than the people of colour. It’s bullshit. In fact, they’ve proven to be more barbaric than anyone. And to turn a blind eye and pretend these atrocities  are not occurring is flat out delusional.  It’s mental. Like, there is seriously something wrong with you if you side with Israel or deny and refuse to see the truth in front of your face.

If you cannot see people as people despite their beliefs, colour, gender, or how one looks physically.  Then you are a brainwashed bigot. An unevolved fool that cannot see that the world is mathematical,  and interconnected.  We are interconnected.  It sounds woke. Probably because it is. Your dumb ass is still asleep. And it’s frustrating that the people that cling on to these old ways of seeing things,  are often religious. Hence how Israel uses Religion as an excuse by claiming they are “God’s chosen people”. If you did some research,  which includes ancient knowledge and banned books, you’d  realize that a lot of the religions say the same thing. God is within. Each and every one of us is God. The Universe. Allah. The Creator.  Etc. But the ones that are asleep don’t do the research, and that’s the problem. They believe as they are told. Therefore, do as they are told. Therefore, they are easily susceptible to brainwashing because they are unable to think for themselves.  All answers are in a book instead of searching within and discovering your own divinity.

But this isn’t about religion as they try to perceive it. Global elitists got their eyes on Palestine for natural gas and for building a canal so that they can control the shipping of goods. It’s not about religion.  It’s not about October 7th.  Obviously,  this has been going on for 75 years. So Khaaamas is just another excuse to flatten down Palestine,  and remove all civilians. It’s all about money, and making more of it for the rich. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer…or slaughtered. 

I am disgusted by this world. I am disgusted  by complicit leaders that don’t do shit. I’m sick of it. And as recommended by another activist online: Peaceful protests aren’t working. The world needs to follow the French peoples example and how they do things in France when it comes to the Revolution. We will not be ignored. Permanent Ceasefire NOW!!

Peace and love! – Pooks

These are human beings, like you and I,  begging to be saved

The Call for Help

This doesn’t happen too often, but I have received a call for help in my DM’s on the X app.

Just as Congo is being destroyed for cobalt and coltan , Hasdeo forests are being cut down for coal mines. The Indian Government has given the forest to industrialists, and the tribals that inhabit that area are being evicted.

It just goes to show that colonialism isn’t a past time thing, and it is still going on today for material things, natural resources that the greedy empire can inflate their pockets. No matter how much unnecessary suffering and displacement that it causes the people of that land.

Israel is interested in Palestine for its natural gas and land.

As I’ve mentioned in other places on social media, and probably here as well. In order to Free Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Tigray, Hasdeo, etc. that means that we have to free everyone from this system including western countries such as the U.S, U.K, Canada, etc. It’s the only way, or these crimes against humanity will just continue. We need to look above the political puppets, and towards those in actual power. Those with global power and tear them down.

The western parts of the world may not experience extreme oppression as others do in other countries. But all our suffering is caused by the same greedy elites.

Despite our differences, we must unite to bring about the change we desire.

The old world is crumbling, and we are the new. Together, we can set each other free from the shackles of this oppressive system. And together, we can shape the new world.

The Elites and their political puppets are no longer needed. The people know and understand what we need best. Now is our time! Freedom for All!

To those that are suffering greatly, we hear you. We see you. And we will rise like a tsunami for you. We’re all in this together, and enough is enough. Time for change! Time to take the reigns! As a collective, we are The Absolute. United from a multiplicity and diversity, victory is ours!

Peace and love! – Pooks