Reach out

I received a message on Instagram today from a Palestinian. They are trying to reach out for help.

So I hope that by sharing his message, and amplifying his voice here makes a difference. 

A permanent Ceasefire needs to take place in Palestine.  There is no arguing or denying that Israel is commiting a genocide after all the evidence shared online. And the fact that all supposed “safe zones” turn out to be violent ambushes.

Genocide has been forbidden since the 1940’s.  Why we just watch and do nothing is despicable and disgraceful. There is blood on all our hands. Even if the people stand up and protest, the people that represent us in our governments refuse to listen to our demands. Therefore, those leaders have become accomplices in war crimes and genocide. Especially if they shipped more weapons to Israel after the ICJ’s ruling, and cut funding for UNRWA to deliberately punish and starve the citizens of Palestine. 

Israel is a fake state, created by the Rothschilds.  It’s citizens come from all over the globe. When reading its history,  you realize that it isn’t even a state, it’s a colonial Project. Heck, it’s even infiltrated majority of the US government,  if not all of it.

Zionists are the modern day nazis. In fact, Zionists made a deal with the Nazis in order to save their own asses during the holocaust.  They aren’t Jews, they are corrupted political movement. And it’s no wonder no other country would take them in. It was Palestine that did, and Israel is committing the ultimate betrayal. 

Honestly,  I think Netanyahu,  the Hitler wannabe, should be handed over to the people of Yemen. And it will be up to them how they deal with that war criminal. I mean, they do do public executions for rapists and pedophiles.  And we all know that Israel is a pedo state. The safe haven for pedophiles.  Not to mention that they are behind Epstein Island.  Apparently, Epstein and Maxwell were their undercover agents to blackmail world leaders. Hence why so many world leaders bend over like little bitches for Israel.  If you haven’t noticed.

Anyways, I’m certainly not okay with Zionists running the world. And I don’t think you should be either. It’s time the collective takes responsibility into our own hands. We cannot depend on these leaders whose position in anything is already compromised.

Like seriously,  when it comes to political puppets, police officers,  and soldiers,  and their whole claims to serving the people… It’s bullshit. They only serve the wealthy globalists and their interests.  Heaven forbid anyone stand up to defend their homes, whether that be the indigenous people blocking pipelines to defend their land, or Hamas fighting for their home and fellow people, they get labeled as terrorists because they are obstacles to whatever natural resources that the globalist want to profit off of. Then, after labeling them as terrorists, ripping away their common identity as fellow human beings, they think killing them  off is justified. Pure madness.

After everything I saw online, the western world has no right to pretend they are civilized, or more civilized than the people of colour. It’s bullshit. In fact, they’ve proven to be more barbaric than anyone. And to turn a blind eye and pretend these atrocities  are not occurring is flat out delusional.  It’s mental. Like, there is seriously something wrong with you if you side with Israel or deny and refuse to see the truth in front of your face.

If you cannot see people as people despite their beliefs, colour, gender, or how one looks physically.  Then you are a brainwashed bigot. An unevolved fool that cannot see that the world is mathematical,  and interconnected.  We are interconnected.  It sounds woke. Probably because it is. Your dumb ass is still asleep. And it’s frustrating that the people that cling on to these old ways of seeing things,  are often religious. Hence how Israel uses Religion as an excuse by claiming they are “God’s chosen people”. If you did some research,  which includes ancient knowledge and banned books, you’d  realize that a lot of the religions say the same thing. God is within. Each and every one of us is God. The Universe. Allah. The Creator.  Etc. But the ones that are asleep don’t do the research, and that’s the problem. They believe as they are told. Therefore, do as they are told. Therefore, they are easily susceptible to brainwashing because they are unable to think for themselves.  All answers are in a book instead of searching within and discovering your own divinity.

But this isn’t about religion as they try to perceive it. Global elitists got their eyes on Palestine for natural gas and for building a canal so that they can control the shipping of goods. It’s not about religion.  It’s not about October 7th.  Obviously,  this has been going on for 75 years. So Khaaamas is just another excuse to flatten down Palestine,  and remove all civilians. It’s all about money, and making more of it for the rich. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer…or slaughtered. 

I am disgusted by this world. I am disgusted  by complicit leaders that don’t do shit. I’m sick of it. And as recommended by another activist online: Peaceful protests aren’t working. The world needs to follow the French peoples example and how they do things in France when it comes to the Revolution. We will not be ignored. Permanent Ceasefire NOW!!

Peace and love! – Pooks

These are human beings, like you and I,  begging to be saved