Dragged In

So there is an upcoming court thing I may have to attend that has to do with family matters that do not involve me.
However, I just want to make it known that that my participation is not voluntary. In fact, I have been intimidated and threatened to be summoned to court by a female lawyer if I do not show up and testify.
However, I did already give a statement to the police, and the officer said to notify him if I get harassed by this lawyer more. But unfortunately,  I do not have his contact information anymore. He said that if I wish to no longer be involved, than that is my right. Hence why I contacted all  lawyers to remove my letter of support for the opposition.  I did not wish to be dragged into family matters that do not involve me.
Plus,  bringing in a local blogger/poet/artist to make an example of them in the court room only comes across as vindictive and it reflects negatively on this lawyers client.
Not only because they want to publicly humiliate me in the courtroom, but they are also wasting the courts time by bringing someone in that used to be a friend to the opposition.  Yes, I wrote commentaries on articles that were already published by others. Mind you, my perspective was only one-sided because I do not know this lawyers client personally. 
Anyways, not only is dragging my butt into to court going to waste the judges time, but it really doesn’t resolve any of the family matters at hand either regarding custody.  And this vindictive nature of wanting to make an example of someone that had befriended this lawyers clients ex, comes across as controlling and abusive. Like the opposition is not allowed to have friends, otherwise they get dragged into court.
It certainly doesn’t reflect the child’s best interest either. And the fact that this situation is just dragging on for years and neither party can put their differences aside for the sake of their child, then neither are thinking about their child, are they? It’s immaturity on both sides. But that is just my opinion. An outside observer getting dragged into matters that really isn’t any of my business.  And perhaps dragging me to court is like a revenge on me for having an opinion on articles regarding the situation that were already published. Note, I deleted those posts after stating that I did not want any involvement. 
I admit I got spooked when the opposition had gotten arrested a while back. I began to question my own perspective.  But judging on the aggressive behavior of this lawyer to bring me into court, the fact she threatened to have me summoned if I did not participate,  displays all I need to know, and yes, that reflects negatively on her client.
If I do get dragged into court, I apologize in advance that these people are wasting the courts’ time by doing so. It has nothing to do with the well-being of a child.

Peace and love! – Pooks